Monday, November 24, 2008

On the "Difficulty Curve" (Or lack thereof)

I've already heard grumblings from the first couple of level 80s in my guild (a Prot Warrior and a Ret Paladin) about how "easy" the levelling process was. My response is "of course it is"!

The new level cap isn't just about giving players new abilities and more talents, it's about devaluing their current gear to the point where they can offer them reasonable upgrades. In that respect, it's a hill between the players and new content. People can charge up and over it if they have the time and energy, or they can leisurely walk over it and enjoy the view. I suspect most of us fall between those two camps.

I'm not going to comment on Heroics or Naxx10 until I've had a chance to do them, but if they're as straightforward as I've heard then it can only be a good thing. The one thing that The Burning Crusade lacked was a decent Molten core-type entry-level raid, womewhere where an entire guild can go in and gear up on, or that experienced/well-geared guilds can just sidestep completely and move onto the next content.

I know folks are going to disagree with me here, but I think Blizzard have got the balance right this time.

1 comment:

Ardent Defender said...

Just be aware that Tabard Championing in a lvl 80 Instance on "Heroics" gives more Reps than regular Instance :)