Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Oh For The Wings...

Ulu hit level 77 last night. I was getting bored with finishing off Dragonblight and a brief foray into Grizzly Hills didn't exactly excite me. I did a Violet Hold run with guildies, and then as I was thinking about what to do next, a friendly NPC in Dalaran advised me to seek out Hemet Nessingwary in the Sholazar Basin.

To the veterans amongst you, Hemet Nesingwary is synonymous with mass animal slaughter in the wilds of Stranglethorn Vale and Nagrand. Some directed grinding sounded like exactly what the doctor ordered.

It worked. I've pursued most of the quests there towards their completion and Ulu hit 77 last night, which enabled him to spend 1k Gold and learn Cold Weather Flying.

Now Ulu's wings (or rather chopper blades) are back in play. This is going to make the last three levels so much easier!

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