Thursday, February 28, 2008

On Downings and Gold spent.

Last night, Ulu entered that rarest of beasts for Chaotic Divinity: a partially-cleared Zul'Aman. Too often when Ulu steps in there it's for a zerg of the four animal bosses whilst racing the timer followed a few fatigued attempts at Hex Lord Malcress. However this week we went in on Monday to clear the beast avatars and ensre that Wednesday's run had a clear shot at the last two.

We attempted to go with the same 2/3/5 tanking/healing/DPS set up we'd used on Monday's raid. However the Feral OT decided at the last minute he'd rather go play outside and we were forced to bring another DPSer. Luckily both Malcress and Zul'Jin are one-tank fights.

Surprisingly, we one-shotted Malcress. We then went on to make our first attempts at Zul'jin. Three attempts later, he too was dead at our feet. The feeling was at once totally awesome and pretty anticlimatic.

After that, the night was young, so I lead a group of people through the daily heroic, Mechanar. We wiped once when a Hunter body-pulled a whole bunch of adds, but we cleared the whole instance in about 40 mins. Not bad going, and Ulu now has 110 Badges stored for next patch. That's the leggings guaranteed and only fifty more for the ring.

And now for something completely different:

Back when Wulfsblood was my main toon, I was something of a respec junky. I would constantly rejig my gear and talents to find the optimal setup for DPS. Now that he's a PVPer, I'm specced fine for survivability and burst damage, so there's no need to play around with him that much.

Since 2.3 with Ulu, I haven't felt the need to respec that much. Most of my desire to micromanage can be taken care of by playing with his gear, and the only time I used to respec was when I switched from a holy/prot hybrid build for PVP/10-mans to a prot/ret MT build for 25mans. That said, on Tuesday it looked like Ulu might need to spec Holy for a Vashj attempt since we were short on healers. It got me thinking about specs again. In the end, I ended up throwing 40 gold to change Ulu's spec from 0/47/14 to 0/46/15. The only shift is switching one point in One-Handed Specialisation (+1% personal damage) for one point in Improved Seal of the Crusader (+1% crit to everyone attacking the debuffed mob). In theory, the slight drop in threat vs the increase in raid damage shouldn't harm my threat lead too much, but we'll see how it plays out in game.

1 comment:

Lazenby said...

Hi ulu

Did pretty much the same last night, dropping the OT and getting Hex and Zul down fairly easily. Was a funny moment when we got to the berserkers when i realised id have to take em both. But ofc it wasnt a problem.