Friday, February 29, 2008

New news

So, they've unveiled another new enchant for 2.4:

Quite nice, more Uncrushability than the Dodge/Agility enchants and it'll also help me swap out my Scarab for the commendation. Here's hoping the recipe is reasonably easy-to-acquire (ie. not a 25-man drop).

Did an SSC run last night, took down the first four bosses. Could have probably taken down Karathress too, but we wiped a few times and Leo and Moro and it sucked some time out of the run.

To keep spirits high, I entertained them with a little ditty I've found:

I don't understand a word he's singing and don't wanna, I just enjoy the exuberance of the piece. And of course, it's from this video that they got the /dance emote for Male Draenei, so it's kinda on topic.

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