Tuesday, February 05, 2008

The Karazhan Guide Pt 7 - Terestian Illhoof

As I mentioned in the Shade of Aran guide, you'll pass Illhoof's room on the way to Aran. Once you have Aran down though, your access to the upper half of Kara is much easier, therefore Aran should always be the first target.

The fight itself is designed primarily to test your DPSers and Healers. You need well-disciplined DPS to switch targets quite often. Ideally you want your DPS to prioritise in this order:

1. Sacrifice Targets - DPS should all make a macro to "/Target Demon" to target the Demon Chains whenever they appear.
2. Kri'lek - Whenever he dies, then Illhoof takes 25% more damage for 45 seconds. You'll probably need the DPS boost to finish the encounter on time.
3. Terestrian Illhoof - He has to die within 10 minutes, or he'll go Berserk and start one-shotting everything.

Handling Kri'Lek

If you've got an OT for the fight, you might want to get him to pick up Kri'lek. He doesn't hit hard and the OT can wear DPS gear whilst tanking him to decent effect. Personally, I tend to AoE tank him as well, focussing my aggro generation on him and chucking Illhoof a quick Exorcism whenever it's off cooldown.

Handling The Imps

These days I AoE tank them as well, and let the AoE classes burn them down. A warlock with Seed of Corruption is particularly valuable here. If you don't fancy that, then get either the aforementioned Warlock, a Mage or a DPS Warrior with Whirlwind to burn them down. If you've got an AoE caster in your group, it's probably worth turning on Concentration Aura to help them get a cast off. Otherwise, Fire Resistance Aura or Retribution is the way to go.

It's a fun fight, especially once you're well-geared enough to AoE Tank it. It's also very easy to tank. As long as your DPS switch targets quickly at the appropriate points and are able to sustain a decent rate of damage, then it shouldn't be a problem.

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