Monday, February 18, 2008

Killing Technology

Well Saturday's plans of leading a Karazhan zerg for badges were scupperred when my trusty old desktop PC started cranking out approximately 1/8 FPS. Spent the rest of the day running disk defrag and pretty much every anti-virus/anti-spyware/hardware optimisation doodad possible to no avail.

At the height of my despair, I tried a Dell Laptop a friend of mine bequeathed to me, and it worked great. I was chugging out up to 30 FPS with non-crappy graphics settings in a raid environment, so I was at least able to go on last night's Serpentshrine Cavern run. So thanks man!

Talking over my Desktop's symptoms with a friend today and it seems that a full reformat and reinstall's in order. Guess that'll be tonight's job then. Thankfully, I've recently required an external harddisk, so my 40gig music collection's safe.

In other news, I've been slowly collecting badges. There's a few interesting-looking items in 2.4's badge rewards, but most of the Tankadin stuff seems to lean too heavily on Spellhit for my liking. On the plus side, Nether Vortices will apparently be bind on equip next patch and will be purchaseable with badges. In preparation for this, I've gathered the materials for a Belt of the Guardian, since the pattern refuses to drop for CD. Now all I need is to find a friendly crafter post-patch.


Admin said...

Rio made my belt, Annatar has the pattern also.

Corey said...

I had someone on my server craft the belt for me. I farmed all the mats except for the 2 nether vortex's of course and paid $1,000 gold.