Tuesday, February 12, 2008

The Evolution (?) of Ulushnar's look.

I'm updating the side picture for the first time in a while:

This is Ulu just after he got his Tier 4 shoulders back in June/July. Note the heavy presence of the red/black tanking epics from Karazhan. His helm is hidden in the shot because, despite the fact it was an incredibly useful piece of kit, the Faceguard of Determination is not incredibly asthetically pleasing.

This is Ulu now, and the Tier 4 shoulders are the only constant. Along with my new goggles, I'm wearing a set made up almost entirely of Heroic Badge drops, which have been styled after some kind of "jungle hobo knight" asthetic. Still, I like the goggles and I like having a hat I can leave show helm on for.

1 comment:

Ardent Defender said...

I had being debating whether to upgrade my helm to the Faceguard of Determination vs going for the badge Cloak. That would give more more avoidance and allow me to maintain enough evoidance when i finally equipt Vambraces of Courage and maintain uncrushable. I'd like to replace my green Ascendant Boots but will wait a bit before i do as its still a solid piece for now.