Sunday, January 15, 2006

What a weekend!

I haven't posted all weekend, because I've been playing practically every waking hour, but it's worth me updating now why this has been such an amazing weekend, both for Wulfsblood personally, and for the entirety of Chaotic Divinity.

Friday night was Molten Core. Still buzzing from the rush of downing Hakkar for the first time on Thursday, CD was on fire as we took the zone. Not even the loss of our two regular main tanks to a combination of RL issues and another raid group could take us down. We had an early setback when we ended up fighting two Molten Giants, a Firelord and two Ancient Corehounds at the same time (wipe x2), but once we were back up to speed we were unstoppable. We took down Lucifiron and Magmadar with the minimum of fuss and no wipes whatsoever. We wiped twice against Gehennas, but we nailed him on the third go and then proceeded to take down Garr first time. Those four bosses represented CD's successful takedowns to date, so managing them all in one evening was a rush. Plus, Wulfsblood got the very ugly Giantstalker Boots to add to his modest but growing collection of epic-quality items.

Saturday afternoon was spent in Zul'Gurub. We took down the Bat, Snake, Spider and Panther Priests with minimal problems in an afternoon run. We made a couple of attempts at the Tiger Priest as well, but we couldn't get him down. On the plus side, however, Wulf got an amazing breastplate from the Snake Priest.

Saturday night was supposed to be Onyxia, but it sadly wasn't to be. We managed to get around 30 folks to sign up, and despite our best efforts, we couldn't get the battle to it's second phase.

It's frustrating to have a situation like this, because I know that when we finally have Onyxia down on a regular basis, we'll have people queued out the door wanting at her epics. She shouldn't be much harder than some of the bosses we've faced in Zul'Gurub, and is technically easier than some of the Molten Core bosses, but we can't get people interested in her. Personally, I started playing WoW around the time that she was introduced to the game, and it's long been my dream to take her down. One day I will /spit on her smouldering corpse!

Since Ony was a washout, I spent Saturday night helping three members of CD with their Onyxia attunement in UBRS. Nothing I wanted dropped, but I did manage to get around 40 Rugged Leather and 10 Black Dragonscale through my skinning, so the run wasn't a total loss.

Sunday was back to Zul'Gurub to take down the Tiger Priest and then the Bloodgod Hakkar himself. The Tiger is without a doubt the hardest of the ZG Priests. I chatted about this to a mate of mine who's been raiding MC for months, and his group still wipes there 3-4 times before taking him down. In total, I think we managed to take him down in 6-7 attempts, which was nice.

Then onto Hakkar, which is such an embarrasingly easy fight, I'm expecting it to be buffed in the next patch. Basically, you allow the group to get poisoned, and then let Hakkar kill himself when he tries to drain your life. We wiped once due to lag, but took him down smoothly on the second attempt.

After Hakkar, we took and hour's break and regrouped for another Molten Core run, this time against the as-yet unbeated Baron Geddon. We took him down on our first attempt! We then proceeded to take on the next boss, Shazzrah, and after three attempts to learn his moves, we nailed him on the fourth. After that, I called it a night.

Of late, I've installed the Recap UI mod, to test out the damage output offerred by my new spec. As a Hunter, Wulf's role in the group is to provide high ranged damage against a single target whilst needing little attention from the healers. In the first part of that remit, I do great. Wulf's normally in the top five damage dealers, he was second in ZG this afternoon and first in MC tonight. However, I am worried about his aggro management. He takes a lot more damage from enemies than he probably should. Then again, I'm probably worrying too much, looking over the logs from this afternoon's ZG logs, out of the top five Damage Dealers, I took the second-lowest amount of damage. Still definate room for improvement, one can always be more awesome.

Tomorrow night is supposed to be Onyxia. Here's hoping we finally stop toying with that bitch and take her down.

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