Tuesday, January 10, 2006


Ok, at the repeated suggestion of my good friend Manx, I've set up this blog to chronicle my continuing exploits in World Of Warcraft, particularly those of my main character, a lvl 60 Night Elf Hunter called Wulfsblood, and his adventures with his raiding group Chaotic Divinity on the EU roleplaying server Earthen Ring.

Let me start by saying what this blog is not:

  1. This blog is not me saying how uber I am. Because I'm not, really. I am at best, a good Hunter, but it would be doing a great disservice to many of the great hunters out there to even class me in their league. What I do have is a knack for number crunching and some sixteen years experience in the black arts of min-maxing.
  2. This isn't some limp-wristed collection of fanfic either. Yes, I play on an RP server and I love roleplaying, however I'm too concious of my own (lack of) skill in that department to inflict interminable in-character accounts of my various exploits here. I only wish more fanfic writers were so inclined.
This blog is a dumping ground for my thoughts on my exploits, a place for me to look back in posterity at the character I've been playing on and off since March 12th 2005. I'll be noting accounts of CD taking down bosses, of new tricks I learn, and of any significant events in my time of playing. Wether you choose to read or not is up to you.

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