Thursday, January 19, 2006

Chaotic History.

Chaotic Divinity's been through something of mixed fortunes lately. Just before Christmas, we were wiping at Lucifron in Molten Core, we'd had limited success in Zul'Gurub, four of our core players had left and morale was at an all time low.

In the new year, things really turned around. We had a sudden influx of new blood, and a newer, more hardcore raiding schedule (one raid every day, two a day at weekends) meant that we were making progress like never before. We breezed through a further six MC bosses in the first fortnight of the new year, often taking them down first try, and we're now farming the Bloodgod Hakkar twice a week. We've even had one of our departed players slink back to us cap in hand, although why we let him back in is beyond me, not like we're short of applicants, even with our generous membership cap of 80 members.

Old habits die hard though, and for the last fortnight, I've signed Wulf up to every raid I could make. This, on reflection was a mistake, even for a perma-player like myself. For one thing, the life of a hardcore raider is tiring, as you have to be on the ball all the way through a raid. A mistake can not only kill you, but also several of your raidmates. Also, it's financially draining. Armour repairs, pet food, ammunition, potions, all eat into your cash pile, and the bosses and trash mobs don't drop that much cash, and if you don't take some time to farm/grind cash every once in a while, it's difficult to continue.

To this end, I decided to stop running Zul'Gurub with Wulf for a few weeks. Instead of fighting the Bloodgod and his possessed priests with CD, He shall instead be wandering the Burning Steppes with his trusty Wolf, hunting and skinning Dragonkin in order to trade in for this cool amulet when the Darkmoon Faire hits Elwynn Forest in early February. With last night's effort and what Wulf's accumulated thusfar, he's around a third of my way to that goal. I reckon he can make the rest of the difference up with some concerted dragonslaying. Wulf also made around 50G last night, and found some nice drops which should fetch a pretty penny in the Auction House.

It's also pretty relaxing, which is the other point of the break really.

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