Thursday, January 12, 2006

Specs and stats.

Wulfsblood has been my main character since my early days in Wow, and he's therefore the one that I've spent the most time and thought on playing.

Before Patch 1.7, Wulf was a fairly generic Survival/Marksmanship Hunter, since that was really the only viable option for Hunters. I focussed on his Agility and Stamina stats and equipped him with the best 2-handed melee weapon he could get.

After 1.7 came out, I, like so many pre-Molten Core Hunters, experimented heavily with the Beastmastery Tree. The results were quite frankly ridiculous. Before the patch, my pet would account for roughly 20-25% of my damage output. Post-patch, a fully BM-specced Hunter's pet accounted for 33%+ of his damage. I used to giggle like a school girl as I watched an enemy die in a hail of red lines.

However, after joining CD, I quickly realised that full BM-spec wasn't gonna be the best thing for a Hunter. No matter how tough your pet is, it rarely recieves any healing (healers can't even see your pet in CTRA), and as a result, will die from AOE. I'd also all-but-retired from my short and uneventful PVP career as my raiding with CD ate up most of my game time. With this in mind, I looked over a lot of Hunter gear, tried a crapload of different talent specs and finally settled on a talent spec and build philosophy that worked for me. As a PVE DPSer, I reached the following philosphy:

1. Attack power (via agility or +attack power items) is more important than critical chance, but crit chance is still very nice. Never sacrifice crit chance for attack power.
2. Intellect is as important as Stamina, possibly slightly more so.
3. Melee is a last resort, but it's still one you should be prepared to indulge in.

I pretty much gave up on Beaststalker farming, since getting an Alliance group to LBRS is nigh-impossible, and the rewards really don't seem to be worth it. Wulf currently wears a helmet, belt, chestpiece, and leggings from Dire Maul, shoulders from Scholomance, boots from Zul'Gurub, gloves from a raid quest in Silithus and bracers from the Gianstalker set (my first Epic, w00t!). The Dire Maul gear's excellent as it gives me a load of agility, stamina, intellect and crit chance, which is perfect for my build. The boots, gloves, shoulders and bracers all give me a good balance between my three main stats, and as a result, I have a respectable health, mana, base DPS and crit chance. I've enhanced this further with +agility enchants on my gloves, boots and melee weapons, a +int enchant on my bracers and a +mana enchant on my chestpiece.

Moving over to Talents, and again, my build is centered around being the best PVE DPSer possible. In Marksmanship, I've taken five points in Efficency to reduce the mana cost of all my shots, then gone for all the essentials in Marksmanship, extra crit chance, extra range, extra crit damage, Aimed Shot and Scattershot. I placed my one spare point in Improved Hunters Mark because it's a skill I use all the time, unlike, say Concussive Shot, which I rarely use. In the Survival side, I focussed on the two slaying talents from tier one (extra damage is extra damage), then improved Wingclip and improved crit chance with my melee talents, then improved health, better traps (not used that much in raids, but still nice to have), extra hit chance, extra crit chance and finally Lightning Reflexes for a whopping +15% to Wulf's attack power. In my current gear, this agility boost gives Wulf +60 Agility (+120 attack power and +1.15% crit chance).

In a fight, I tend to nuke from the moment the DPS signal is given the tank has generally generated enough hate by then. My mana pool's large enough to handle several MC trashmob fights without drinking, and I'm usually able to get through most of a boss fight nuking without going out of mana. The only problem I have is chain crits, since I have around a 25% crit chance with ranged weapons, but feign death rarely fails to save me when that happens.

All in all, this configuration of Wulfsblood is the one that best combines an enjoyable style of play for me with viability for raids, and the results have been well worth it.

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