Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Onwards and upwards.

Well that demonic entity known as Arh'ell raised it's ugly head at the weekend and prevented me from joining Chaotic Divinity on Friday or Saturday night for a moderately successful MC run and a less-than-successful Onyxia run. Sunday and Monday made up for it though.

Sunday saw us zerg through bosses five through nine in Molten Core. Baron Geddon went down first try, as did Shazzrah and Golemagg. We wiped at Sulfuron Harbinger, but we got him down second time easily. Then we went on to Majordomo Executus and got him down first time. Once again, the coveted leaf failed to drop, but on the plus side, we now have two priests who will soon be equipped with an amazing staff.

Feeling understandably chuffed at our progress, we proceeded to push our luck and make a couple of attempts against the final boss, the Fire God Ragnaros (you can see him leering in the background of that group shot). Fucking huge doesn't do him justice. From my vantage point a good 30 or so yards from the main fight, I still couldn't see all of him. Now I know how our meleers feel. Our two attempts were successful in different ways, the first time we managed to take him down to 64% health before wiping, the second, we managed to last until he sumerged and released his Sons (which he does after 3 mins). With a bit more damage dealing ability and a lot more Fire Resistance gear, I think we can take him.

Then, last night, we proceeded to take down Onyxia first try, an as-yet unprecedented feat. I wouldn't go so far as putting her on farm status yet, but we're definately getting better at managing this fight. Once again I'm chuffed to be working on all this stuff with a group of people with a similar level of experience as me. Whilst I could arguably enjoy easier success with a more established raid group, I'd miss out on the experience of taking down these bosses for the first time.

CD fucking rocks!

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