Tuesday, January 10, 2006

On talents and Molten Core

Was a busy weekend for Wulfsblood. First of all, I changed his talent setup again, and hopefully for the last time. Before his build was oriented around Marksmanship with some points in Beastmastery to toughen up his pet and some in Survival to enhance the traps he can lay. I decided to change himto a more end-game oriented build focussed around the survival tree. The major benefit to this tree is that it boosts his chance to perform a critical strike (which does 230% damage), and it increases his overall agility (including bonuses from buffs) by 15%.

Before the respec, Wulf had the Crit Chance, Damage Per Second and Agility shown in the following pictures:

After the respec, they'd changed as follows:

Ok, so I lost some DPS, but the extra chance to make a critical strike makes up for it in my opinion, and in the coming weeks, as we load up on more epic-quality items, Wulf's DPS will continue to soar. As it was, when we ran a Recap during an Molten Core run, I came out top of damage dealt:

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Which brings me onto the body of my post. This weekend was one of unparalelled successes for the folks of Chaotic Divinity. Friday night we showed up at Molten Core to try our luck at the second Boss, Magmadar.

Maggy, as he's affectionately known, has given CD a few problems on previous runs. He can be a nightmare to deal with because he causes everyone within 40 yards to run in fear every 30 seconds, and he enters a frenzy in which he does silly damage. A skilled warrior can handle the Fear aspect, but it takes a Hunter with Tranquilising shot to take him out of Frenzy. With only two Hunters in the party who knew how to use the shot (including Wulf), we struggled, but as soon as a third Hunter joined, it all fell into place and we took down Maggy easily.

(Picture taken by another member of CD).

Flush with this momentum, we charged on and took on the next boss Gehennas, who went down easily on our second try. Genny was basically just a tough spellcaster and once we took care of his Bodyguards, it simply became a case of hurting her until she died, which is something Wulf excels at.

By that point, it was late on Saturday night, so we called it quits and I went to me bed.

On Saturday, we met up early for a fun-run through Zul'Gurub to warm up for MC later. It was initially intended that we'd run at the Snake Priest, but we ended up taking out the Snake, the Bat, the Spider (all without wiping) and the Bloodlord Mandokir with unprecedented ease.

After that, it was back to MC for more Boss-owning. Next up was Garr, a powerful Rock Elemental guarded by eight less-powerful (but still formidable) elementals. The real wrinkle with the fight is that Garr get's stronger if you kill all of his Bodyguards, so the group's Warlocks have to keep half of them banished until after we kill the boss. It took us about four or five attempts, but we finally downed him as well!

After that, we tried the next boss, Baron Geddon, but he's thusfar proved to be too difficult for us to manage. Sadly it was the same story when we tried him on Sunday night. Hopefully we'll down him next weekend though.

All in all, a fucking excellent weekend though!

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