Wednesday, January 23, 2008 Now with n% more Wowhead!

Amani Punisher

OK, after Galo and Leon's nagging, I appear to have this widget working. :)

I have to confess, I saw it on one of Galo's posts a while ago, but lazy bastard that I am, I never bothered to update it until now.

In related news, there appears to be a Goldspammer posting on Blogger. I wish there was a way to ban users from psoting on Blogs.


Corey said...

Very nice addition if I do say so myself! Makes it easier for us lazy readers :)

Ardent Defender said...

Just have to be vigilant i guess with the spammers, its not just you its seem to be a particular one affecting everybody who likes to do it at the early hours of the morning.

Anyway like the new display of purples.