Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The Karazhan Guide Pt4 - The Opera Event

Ok, this is gonna be a long one, since I have to explain not one boss fight, but three. Each fresh Karazhan reset, you will encounter one of three separate fights in the Opera event. There's absolutely no clue as to which fight it'll be until the Stage Manager announces it, so you have two options:

1. Get a Rogue/Hunter/Mage/person with enough bagspace to strip naked to talk to the Stage Manager to start the event, and then have them Vanish/Feign/Turn Invisible/die to reset the event. The rest of the raid waits a safe distance outside.

2. The entire raid goes in and improvises a tactic on the spot depending what encounter there is.

Groups starting Kara may prefer to go with 1. but I tend to go with 2. these days.

I'll now cover the boss fights in order of ease:

1. Big Bad Wolf

This is a basic tank and spank fight, which only needs one tank. Every so often, the Wolf will turn one member into Red Riding Hood. At that point, their armor is reduced to zero, they can't use any abilities and their run speed is significantly boosted. The Wolf will proceed to chase the Hood around the edge of the stage until she shifts back.

It's imperative for all the healers to focus their heals on Little Red Riding Hood. The hood needs to run along the walls of the Opera stage, without cutting corners to avoid most of the Wolf's attacks. If I haven't been Hooded, then I'll normally toss an Avenger's Sheild at the Wolf, and then use a macro like this one to heal the hood (and build aggro):

/cast [target=targettarget] Flash of Light

As a tank it's important you keep up aggro, since your DPS will probably be going hell for leather during the Hood phases. I've had a lot of practise with this guy because when Ulu started Kara, we got nothing but BBW for three months.

2. Romulo & Julianne

Three phases to this fight:

Phase one, you fight Julianne. She casts healing spells (for about50k), so if you have any interrupters, have them focus on her. Phase two, you fight Romulo, who is a fast melee attacker with some nasty selfbuffs. Phase three, you fight both and you have to make sure they die within ten seconds of each other, or the dead one will ressurect with full health.

With Holy Shield, a Tankadin is a natural to tank Romulo and a Warrior who can interrupt will do a great job on Julianne. Whilst it's possible to AoE tank them both, I'd reccomend waiting until you gear up a bit for that. DPS-wise, I'd focus melee DPS on Julianne and ranged on Romulo as a general rule, but try to spread it evenly so that both go down at the same time.

3. The Crone (aka. "Oz")

This one needs some coordination. Phase one is handling and killing A group of different adds:

Dorothee - Doesn't need a tank, just burn her down quick. She'll summon her dog, Tito, who needs to be killed after her or she'll enrange. Tito can be tanked by any meleer pretty much.

Roar - Can be offtanked, or kept busy with Fear. Since he's a Beast, either a Hunter or a warlock should be able to keep him chainfeared.

Strawman - Will be disorientated by fire damage, so have Mages and Warlocks spam fire spells on him to kill him and keep him out of the fight.

Tinhead - Gains a rust debuff that slows his movement, enabling a tank to kite him around. He has a cleave so make sure people stay out of the way of his kiting path.

The Crone - After all the adds are down, the Crone will appear. She'll Cyclone random people, knocking them into the air for a few seconds and she also casts chain lightning. Just spread out and burn her down.


Unknown said...

Once again good post, might aswell throw my experiances / comments into the pile as it may help someone.

BBW - I hate it, I hate it, I hate it! I die every time I'm turned into BBW. This fight becomes alot easiler if you have a couple pallys in the group to BoP Red Riding Hood.

R&J - My fave fight out of them all, I have AOE tanked them a few times but generally we just stick the OT on J. We dont equally burn down tho, we burn J down to 20ish% and switch to R. Kill him and quickly switch back to finish her off (making sure all her heals are being interupted otherwise its a fail)

Oz - Depending on group setup we either chain fear roar or tank him. If he's tanked I do that honor and also pickup Tito when he spawns, while the OT kites Tinhead. If he's feared I pickup Tinhead & Tito and dont bother kiting, just take him away from the raid while they do their thing :)

Ardent Defender said...

I'm finding all these first hand account guides to be very good resource. Especially helpful since i have Kara coming up in a week or so. I'll have to make a link to all your guides for my own good. Appreciate the effort you put into writing them up.

Corey said...

Agreed, very nice write-ups Ulu. Thanks for your effort!

Bj Hile said...

Very nice Ulu. My only correction for you would be with the Crone. She doesn't cycone random people, but a cyclone travels around the stage the entire length of her phase. It is completely avoidable by all parties if they keep an eye out.