Thursday, January 10, 2008

Miscellania 10-Jan-2008

So what's new?

On Tuesday, CD took down Leotheras The Blind (a.k.a Emo-Boi) on our second-third night of training him. This marks our third Serpentshrine Cavern boss down out of six. Halfway through and the next two bosses don't look too hard.

It looks like we're training Morogrim Tidewalker next, which looks like a fun Pally-tank fight, glad I've updated my Block Value set recently!

Tonight we're back in SSC to clear the first couple of bosses. I'd love to see us get as far as Leo and kill him again, but I'm not that optimistic.

On the gear front, I've decided to go with my Slikk's Cloak of Placation as my main tanking cloak and have relegated my trusty, hard-won Devilshark Cape to my Block set. Whilst the Block Value on the Devilshark may offer better mitigation against weaker enemies, the higher Armor and Stamina on the Badge cloak offer more consistant benefits. Ulu now sits with 15.7k health unbuffed with 17.4k armor in his regular tanking gear. My next goal is to push my unbuffed health to 16k, but my options for doing so appear to be scarce.

Speaking of Badge gear, it seems I'm running out of stuff to buy for Ulu. I have most of the main items I saught from the list of Badge gear, now I'm into the realm of curiosities and sidegrades. I may stop running Kara with him soon...

...But not until after this weekend. On Saturday, one of our Priests is going to try and solo-heal Karazhan (well ok, she's bringing along two Shadow Priests as well). And I am the main tank for the event, should be a giggle if nothing else.

1 comment:

Corey said...

Just wanted to say thanks! I've been reading your blog for quite awhile now and really enjoy your posts. I took the leap and respected prot, same talents as you have. I've been raiding as holy ever since 68 and just needed a change. My gear is pretty decent all blues and some purps. I'm sitting around 12,600 health unbuffed and 482 Defense. I wanted to get your oppinion on threat generation and spell rotation. Also, I wanted to know your strategy for tanking multiple (2-man, 3-man) mobs at the same time. I seem to be doing okay so far and have Omen to make sure I can see that i'm staying on top of the threat meter. Great blog, keep the good posts rolling!