Thursday, January 24, 2008

The Karazhan Guide Pt1 - Attumen The Huntsman

Well, since Alystira asked, I'm going to put up some strategies on the Karazhan bosses. I've resisted doing this in the past because hey, there's a million and one walkthroughs on the subject already. For each one, I'm going to list the "Sensible" way to tank them, and the "Other" way to tank them. The second way is only reccomended once you've geared up a fair bit.

First up gear: You'll want to be immune to critical strikes and that requires 490 Defense. You'll also want to be as close to uncrushable as possible. Since the 2.3 Stamina boost, it's no longer strictly necessary to be completely uncrushable for any boss before Nightbane/Prince Malechazaar, but it definately helps, and the Libram of Repentance is still the best badge investment you'll make.

First up is Attumen the Huntsman. Bluntly, if your group can't defeat him, you have no reason to be in Karazhan, go back to the five-mans and gear up some more.

To do this the sensible way, you'll want two tanks. I'm assuming that you as a Tankadin will be one of the two. You start the fight by pulling Midnight. When Midnight's at 95%, Attumen spawns.

If you have a Warrior tanking, then you'll want him on Attumen, since Disarm and Spell Reflect can help here. If you don't have a Warrior, then you should be on Attumen, since you can leave a Consecrate down that should pick up Attumen before he goes for a healer. Whoever is tanking Attumen should take him away from the rest of the group, since he has a nasty frontal cleave.

After Attumen spawns, we have DPS focus on Midnight until it reaches 25% health and they rejoin. Other groups focus on Attumen so that it eliminates his annoying charges. Play around it and see how it works for you.

Phase three is back to one tank, as Attumen mounts up. He still cleaves, but now he also charges. The charge has a 8 yard minimum range, and will usually one-shot a clothie in kara starting gear. You'll want everyone except the tank to gather round the back of him within 8 yards. Hunters need to stand just outside minimum range to dps, or if they've specced 3/3 into Hawk Eye, they can stand at maximum range and outrange the charge.

Apart from that, this phase is simple tank and spank, burn him down, and collect the epics.

And now for the Other way to do it. When you've geared up a bit, and are comfortably sitting at about 14k armor and 15k health buffed, you can try tanking them both during phase 2. Pull Midnight with an Exorcism, and then lay down a consecrate, keep the Consecrate and Holy Shield up and when Attumen appears, quickly hit him with an Exorcism before concentrating your aggro on Midnight, occasionally tab-targetting Attumen to hit him with some more aggro stuff. Nice thing about doing it this way is your healers have one target to concentrate on, and your OT can provide more DPS and kill the boring bastard faster.

Well that's Attumen, he shouldn't provide a problem for any semi-decent group. Next, I'll cover Moroes.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sounds about right. Trash wise leading upto this boss is simple aswell, priests will make your life easier by shackling a couple of the horseys as they charge and fear (sometimes 1 shotting a clothie).

This fight was the fight I showed the guild that a tankadin is a viable tank, they always worked on the 2 tank method and I was the the 1st tank. Poped wings, dropped cons and 'accidently' picked up attunmen when he spawned, the bear couldnt pull him off me in a few seconds so I told him to drop into cat and dps. Healers focused on me and overall everyone was happier... did it the same every time after.

Moroes and some adds, both R&J in opera, all the AOE trash, this place is pure love for showing the guild what you are worth. Just dont jump the gun and try too much too soon... There are some packs I still use a OT on and I'm sitting at 19K / 110% avoidance 10man buffed.
