Thursday, January 03, 2008

New Year, Same Crap

Happy New Years gentle readers! Well, the season's over and I'm back at my desk for a a two-day work week at what must be the quietest time of the year. Ah well.

OVer the Holidays, I'm afraid I didn't get that much WoWing done. I did however go back to complete Mass Effect and did most of Portal in one sitting. Alcohol prevented me from finishing the last few Puzzles, but I'll work up the time to do it at some point.

With the bulk of CD enjoying their family, I only did a few Heroic instances and one Kara clear with Ulu. I did manage to get him a new belt which has better avoidance stats than the other badge belt he'd bought already. Ah well, the old one will be fine for a Threat set, and with the new one, my Effective Health set is nudging ever closer to 16k unbuffed health, which is nice. My next purchase will likely be a trinket to boost Ulu's Block Value even further.

I also altered Ulu's spec slightly. I went from 0/46/15 to 0/47/14. Outside of 25-mans, I found I was often the only Paladin in raids, except for the occasional Retnub. Under those circumstances I found myself missing Blessing of Kings terribly.

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