Morogrim got short shrift on my write-up. Being the last boss of four, I was rushing to finish it. Here's some more stuff to know.
For AoE tanking the Murlocs at Tidewalker, I use a set that mixes up threat stats and Block Value. The Murlocs hit for about 700 damage on plate, and my BV sits at about 726 in that set, so I'm pretty much mitigating them fully.
One of the nice things about the set is that it has enough Block Rating in it to make the Libram of Repentance unecessary, so I use my old Libram of the Eternal Rest in it's place for even more AoE threat. I also use this set for Multi-mob pulls and Heroics.
One other thing I forgot to mention is mana. Try and get a Shadow Priest, or at the very least a Resto Shaman in your group for Morgrim. Spamming Holy Light is mana intensive and the little green bastards don't hit hard enough for you to regain much mana through healing.
Checking In
It's been a while since I last posted. Not much change in what I'm playing
*World of Warcraft*
The new patch just dropped. It's pretty fun. I'm ...
6 days ago
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