Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Managed Expectations.

If you'd asked me three months ago if I thought Chaotic Divinity would make it into The Black Temple before the next expansion, I would have said "no". At that time we were working on Magtheridon and still completely failing to get enough geared tanks together to start training Hydross the Unstable in Serpentshrine Cavern.

Now we're more than halfway through the Tier five content, with 5/6 bosses in Serpentshrine down and training on Vashj beginning in earnest. With Karathress' death last night, the Black Temple attunement chain was opened, and it suddenly doesn't seem like an impossiblity any more.

Over the next few weeks, the goal is to learn the Lady Vashj encounter and get it as tight as possible. In the process, we'll hopefully refine our kill time on the other bosses enough that we can reduce SSC to a one or two-night clear. Once that happens, it'll be off to Tempest Keep. We can already kill Void Reaver (although we rarely bother) and High Astromancer Solarian doesn't seem to be a difficult fight. Al'ar seems trickier and Kael'Thas is, by all accounts a nightmare.

Still, it'd be nice to at least see the inside of Mount Hyjal or the Black Temple by May, and it doesn't feel impossible.


Corey said...

Congrats on the progress Ulu. It has to feel good to come that far in such a short amount of time and it sounds like you can see the light at the end of the tunnel or should I say the darkness :)

I play on the Draka US server and we had our first guild (Limited Edition - Alliance) get the first Illidan Kill so that was exciting.

I was thinking of some topics you could blog about. I think if you put together your strats on MT'ing boss fights beginning with the Kara bosses that would be big help to us up and comers.

Well, keep up the good work and I want to hear every detail on your quest to the top of MH and BT.

Unknown said...

Indeed big grats on the progession!

I would definatly be interested in hearing some of your tankadin experiances from TK and SSC. Last month we were a Kara guild and have come leaps and bounds since

Did High King and gruul 1st night in there, did Mag on the 2nd night (now do them both in about 1hr 40min), did VR on 1st night and Solarian on the 2nd and then got Alar to phase2 18% on 1st attempt (going down sunday!)

Been a big learning curve for me, and with some of the harder upcoming bosses and soon be venturing into SSC accounts of personal experiance is always a good thing :)
