Monday, January 21, 2008

For Alystira (pt 2)

Ok, so I hate doing conversations in blogger comments due to the lack of threading, so I'm going to respond to Alystira's comments in fresh posts.

Ulu, thanks so much. This past weekend was huge in the learning process for me as I got my first taste of tanking. My first run was to normal Setthek Halls and cleared it without any wipes. Beginners luck, lol? By the time the weekend was over I managed to tank my first heroic successfully (Heroic Mech). The Sun Eater dropped and I was awarded the prize. This brings up a question...I know that our threat generation is based off of Spell Damage so I threw on +40 spell dmg to weapon. Is the Sun Eater a good choice for me? I was using the Continuum Blade (121 spell dmg and I put +40 spell dmg on it) and working on Lower City rep (i'm about 5k away from Exalted) to get the Gavel of Unearthed Secrets. So should I still go for the Gavel or is the Sun Eater going to work? Thanks again.

Congrats on the tanking successes!

In answer to your question, I personally enchanted my Sun Eater with Mongoose. In terms of pure avoidance stats, The Sun Eater is the best weapon in the game. It's my go-to weapon on fights where threat isn't an issue, but avoidance is (examples off the top of my head are Prince Malechazaar phase two, High King Maulgar and Magtheridon). My day-to-day tanking weapon was first the Continuum Blade, then the Gavel of Unearthed Secrets and finally the Amani Punisher.

As to what's better for you, it depends what you use most of all. I don't have much (read: any) experience of Seal of Blood, since it's Horde-only, but from what I understand, the Sun Eater may be a better weapon for those situations due to it's higher base DPS. For Seal of Righteousness tanking, the Continuum Blade would be better. The Gavel's kinda slow for SoR tanking (I used it mainly for Seal of Vengence), but it might be a good option for boss fights.

So all in all, in an avoidance-heavy fight, you might wanna look into using the Sun Eater/SoB combo, but generally a spelldamage weapon with SoR will offer good, consistant aggro. You might wanna read up on the viability of Seal of Blood vs Seal of Righteousness tanking at Main Tankadin.


Unknown said...

Hey, stumbled across your blog while trying to kill time at work and nice to see one that frequently updated... keep it up :D

Korath from Outland EU here and thought I would give my imput on Sun Eater / SoB

Due to the high demand of avoidance and mitigation thats needed for tanking us lovely tankadins wont be seeing much in the way of spell dmg on armor untill you start getting T4/T5/T6 and even then some of that will only be used for a threat set. That means 90% of your spell dmg will be coming from your weapon, keep a spell dmg for your main choice.

SoB is a good choice if you have very low spell dmg with a 'warrior' tanking sword, it will give you more threat than SoR if you have less than around 80SD, after that point SoR will do better.

I use my Sun Eater with a +20agi enchant for prince phase 2 when I disengage or in ZA on Lynx when I generally have a huge threat lead.

Corey said...

Thanks for the help Ulu and Korath. I think I will put Mongoose on my Sun Eater and use it when I need the extra avoidance and threat is not an issue. I'm going to keep the Continuum Blade as my main tanking weapon and keep grinding honor until I can replace it with the Gavel of Unearthed Secrets.

As far as seal of blood vs. seal of righteousness, with The Sun Eater equipped (and +40 spell dmg enchant) i'm at 101 SD so SoR may be the better seal choice. I will have to see where my SD is at after putting Mongoose on The Sun Eater. I will do some tests with SoB and SoR and see what I find.

When you are just griding Mobs doing daily's and not MT'ing, what is your weapon of choice? I'm working on my Netherwing daily's at the moment (just hit revered status this morning!) and I have to say I really enjoy rounding up 3-4 Flayers/Ravagers going to town and finishing up the fight with close to full health and mana. Very little downtime which makes it nice. Hopefully i'll have that drake before to long :)