Friday, August 29, 2008

Puggers can't be choosers.

Well I haven't really been playing much Beta recently. This is due to the EU Beta server being up and down more often than the knickers of a workaholic prostitute. Speaking of which, I don't want to hear any chimes of empathy from my American readers: The kinds of problems you've had on Beta recently have been with us from day one. Or at least from the point I arrived.

In other news, CD seems to have settled into a pattern of one Hyjal farm run a week. Last night we cleared the first three bosses in record time and actually managed a go at Azgalor. That might have even become a kill if a pesky Druid had paid attention to where to run when he got the Impending Doom!

Apart from that, I've slowly been stockpiling mats for if/when I move over to Blacksmithing. Whilst doing that this morning, I got a whisper from a random druid. It consisted entirely of "Spec?". I figured if he/she/it was going to ask me questions without engaging me in a conversation or at least being interesting/polite, then I would do likewise, and I replied "A/S/L?". The exchange ended at that point.

Which brings me to something that grinds my gears. I'm disinclined to PuG at the best of times, but if someone whispers me "spec?" or words to that effect without trying to engage me in conversation, then they're gonna get crap back. If some know-nothing DPSer wants to know my unbuffed HP like it means anything, then I'm gonna demand their Attack Power and crit chance before saying "Is that all? No thanks". I am, however, Archduke of the Assholes.

As probably only tanks read this, I'm doubtless pissing in the wind, but here's my thoughts on what it would be nice to hear from prospective Puggers:

Wrong: "Spec?"
Right: "Are you able to (Tank/Heal/DPS)?"

Let the person you're contacting know what you want. If they can't help you, they may know someone (or have an alt) who can.

Wrong: "What's ur HP?"
Right: "Have you tanked (insert target Instance here) before?

The first question distills the Tank's knowledge, gear and ability down to one easily-fudged number. The second gives you an idea of wether or not he can do the job you require of him.

Wrong: "Looking for two more, need Tank and Healer"
Right: "Three DPS Looking for Group"

I mean, c'mon people, be honest! ;)


Ardent Defender said...

Absolutely Agree 1000%!!!

I think I'll follow up comment on my blog about this one later.

Corey said...

Yes, I have to agree with you on this one 100%. If you want me to come tank for you then you better entice me with more than a 1 word whisper. It's kinda funny lately i've working on my alt 70 Hunter and there is definitely a strategic way into whispering and finding a tank :P