Friday, August 15, 2008

Update 14Aug08

So what's been happening since last we looked at our heroic Space-goat?

I managed to grind the last of the gold for Ulu's Artisan Riding on Tuesday evening, but not the gold for the mount itself. Luckily, some auctions took care of this on Wednesday and Ulu is now the proud owner of a Swift Purple Gryphon. The whole grind's kinda made me bored with daily quests, so I'm gonna hold off on grinding Netherwing Rep just yet.

Ulu's mining's coming along fine. I'm now at the 255-ish level, so I should be terrorizing the mining nodes of Outland on my birdie by the end of the weekend.

My next goal with Ulu after this was to max out his Engineering and make the Flying Machine, but I'm currently holding off on this. Looking at what's come through from the Beta thusfar, it seems that Engineering won't have comparable Goggles in WotLK, or indeed anything that would be specifically advantageous to a Tank. I'm going to stockpile materials and if this appears to be the case closer to release, then I'll drop Engineering for Blacksmithing.

In terms of raiding, there really isn't that much going on. The last 25-man CD managed was on the 31st of July. No matter how many we recruit, we never seem to get more than 20 people in a raid. I'm one failed raid away from giving up on 25-mans altogether.

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