Monday, August 04, 2008

It's time for Good News/Bad News.

Good News: One of my guildies decides she doesn't want her WotLK Beta key from the '08 WWI. She sends me the code on Saturday the 2nd of August and I promptly redeem it.

Bad News: I then find this forum post :

The deadline for redeeming your code for the current round of invites is Friday the 1st of August. Codes registered after this date will not be eligible for beta entry until a later date, so we encourage everyone to register early and be part of the vanguard into Northrend.

Ah well, I'll be getting into Beta. At some point. Maybe.

In other news, I've decided to take a short break from 25-man raiding. At the moment it's still a crapshoot about wether or not a raid will go ahead on a given night, and for every raid that goes ahead and does well, there's 2-3 that either fail to go ahead, or end in us going with a suboptimal group and wiping a lot. Since I have, for my sins, taken a seat on the CD council again, it means I'm in the unenviable position of telling the 15-20 people who did show up ready to raid that it's not going ahead.

Not the mostest fun job in the world.

1 comment:

Ardent Defender said...

Sucks you got the Key late. But better late than never if that. At least you will get in at some point in Beta if anything.