Monday, September 01, 2008

Beta: The Mana Will Roll right In

New Beta build on Friday/Saturday. I started downloading the sucker on Saturday morning before I left for a weekend visiting my friends, so I didn't get to install it until Sunday evening on my return.

There were two major changes for Protadins:

1. Judgements actually work again. They have however removed the Attack Power/Spellpower scaling from the Mana/Health return. Judgement of Wisdom now restores a flat 2% of your maximum mana. In Ulu's T5/Badge gear with 5.6k mana unbuffed, this equated to 112-113 mana per swing. I haven't tested Judgement of Light yet, so I'm unsure how much that scales.

2. Blessing of Sanctuary has had a massive overhaul. The current version is a rather unimpressive flat damage reduction and a small threat boost on block.

"Places a Blessing on the friendly target, reducing damage taken form all sources by 3% for 10 min. In addition, when the target blocks, parries, or dodges a melee attack the target will gain 10 rage, 20 runic power, or 2% of maximum mana."

Protection Paladins now have the perfect blessing for Soloing and overgeared content. Yes, I know Blessing of Might scales our damage, but my concern with soloing has always been downtime. I don't mind spending 20 seconds longer killing a group if I can then go straight onto the next group without spending 30 secs eating/drinking. Or worse, having to auto-attack the last 20-30% of a mob because I'm out of mana.

Before work this morning, I left my Blacksmithing levelling and went to the Howling Fyjord to give the new abilities a test. The gate to Valgarde is constantly swarmed with level 67 Vykrul and Worgs, which seemed to be a decent spot to test Ulu's new abilities.

This is him at about a dozen mobs in. Whilst I was moving around and positioning them, the odd attack did get through, and the Worgs have an annoying disease DoT, so Ulu's taken some damage. However, look at the stream of mana gains and more importantly, look at his mana bar at this point:

I think I could get to like this, although if this hits live, I think my pace in instances will cause even more grey hairs on my healer's heads. Of course, I'm going to have to see how this scales with less +Int gear at level 80.

1 comment:

Ardent Defender said...

Seal of Light (SoL) & Judgement of Light (JoL) all scale with AP/SP.

As a matter of fact testing out most the seals shows they still scale as before both with AP/SP though i believe from testing though the damage or amount returned on effect for heals and mana as well as damage done have been nerfed to some degree. The numbers i got looked quite a bit different than what i tested before.

The only thing that does not scale is Judgement of Wisdon and Seal of Wisdom like everthing else. I guess in nerfing Retribution for the damage and mana return they got on Judgements, Protection got that same hit as well. A bit unnecessary to me.

Oh yes indeed. Having more Intellect does scale the effect of the procs from Blessing of Sanctuary. Especially given our small mana pool. So stacking it when possible seems at this point a good thing as it adds much to out mana.

So now i'm putting my Elixirs of Wisdom to good use as well.