Monday, November 26, 2007

Welcome Home?

Mass Effect is a very, very nice game. It's very familiar to anyone who's played any of Bioware's console games, but it takes it to the next level. I especially like the way that the Player Character is actually voice acted this time, it feels more cinematic than having gaps in the conversation where you add your choice.

That said, I haven't had as much time with it as I'd like. CD's needed me again, so I've answered the call.

Yesterday, I took part in a controversial Karazhan run with some friends from there. It was controversial in that it was arranged behind the scenes by a bunch of folk who wanted to try a speed run through the instance, much to the changrin of the altoholics. For the most part, Ulu was the sole tank, which suited me fine. He picked up a nice Chest and the final badges he needed for his new Leggings.

The final result of this is:

Ulu now has nearly 15.3k health unbuffed, 17k armor and 586 Shield Block Value. I honestly can't wait to try him out on a boss now.


Ardent Defender said...

Nice. Glad your still writing too and not quite on break from WoW.

Nibuca said...

You are a horrible and aweful tease.

You say "speed run Kara" and then give no details? No biscuit for you!



Admin said...

You muppet
