Thursday, November 29, 2007

Cruel Gods, How You Mock Me!

Bluebottle wrote:

I has a hamma!

Was going to use it for grinding, but would you suggest replacing my Kings Defender (+spelldam enchanted) with it for the times I do need to tank?

How many ways can I say: of course, absolutely, uh-huh, yup, indeed and do eeet. Well ok, that wasn't that many, but i'm tired and somewhat pre-occupied atm.

Simply put, a Spelldamage weapon is the single-largest source of Spelldamage (and therefore threat) available to a Tanking Paladin. The non-spelldamage weapons may help a little with mitigation or avoidance, but we can get plenty of that from our armor. Frankly the Amani Punisher is the best-itemised Tankadin weapon pre-Mount Hyjal thanks to it's spellhit. The caster swords from Gruul and Leo-Emoboi in SSC are ok, but they both emphasise crit over hit, which makes them less desirable imo.

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