Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Beware the advice of successful people...

...they rarely seek company.

Well ok, that's possibly not true, but I should warn folks who read my instance write-ups hoping to glean some smidgeon of strategy: I am conciously and willfully reckless.

Well at least, in content I overgear which is everything up to and including Kara/Heroics. I usually run these with friends who are equally overgeared and it's just more fun if you don't micromanage every pull. I almost never, ever use crowd control, unless it's funny (Priests using Mind Control and Warlocks using Enslave are funny, sleep/sheep/sap/trap are not).

I AoE tank everything I can, using Consecrate to get the mobs attention and Ret Aura, BoSanc and Holy shield to make sure they stay there whilst my DPSers go AoE nuts on them. I make pulls on half-mana sometimes if i feel the pace is flagging, trusting on my potion cooldown and the inevitable crudload of damage i'll take to see me through.

I am a paragon of some of the worst excesses of our class, and I love it. It's also probably the reason why i'll never feel at home in a more "hardcore" group.

1 comment:

Ardent Defender said...


Successfull people have a lot of awareness. We do research too. lol