Friday, August 08, 2008

What Genre?

Well, on beholding my Biker regalia, Loopinvariant had this to say:

That's just as bad as adding space ships and space goats in BC. They could at least have made an attempt to fit it in with the genre. Not cool, no thanks.

I have to ask: What Genre? The Dwarves have had Steampunk technology since at least Warcraft 3. This is again in line with the Warhammer world they ripped off, where the Dwarves have the self-same Gyrocopters they introduced for Engineers in WoW a couple of patches ago.

Blizz are focusing on making the game fun rather than "authentic", which isn't a bad thing in my opinion. There are MMO's out there offering a more "authentically Medieval" fantasy experience, like Age of Conan or Lord of the Rings online. I'm happy for Blizzard to follow their demented muse wherever it takes them, as long as the end result is fun.

Afterall, look up Fantasy at some time. The first definition you'll see is:

imagination, esp. when extravagant and unrestrained.

Sounds fun, doesn't it?


Unknown said...

The genre of the "Warcraft Universe," where motorcycles with passenger cabs have just been introduced from our universe. I think they could have been much more creative in the design of this new mount.

There was an interesting piece on this exact topic on WowInsider:

The forum article referenced had responses by Bornakk, where he says that Wrath will be conforming to the "Warcraft Universe":

Of course they can add whatever lore they want and decide what is or is not in their universe, its their game, but IMHO the motorcycle is a cop out.

Look what they did with the fliers - amazing flying machines that have the engineering profession written all over them. Now look at the ... motorcycle? Huh? Where is the fanciful, whimsical, functional-but-you-don't-know-if-it-is-going-to stop-working aspect in that video? It's a freakin' motorcycle with a sidecar, and that's all. No creativity at all.

Paul said...

There's no creativity in the Gyrocopter rip-off engineering mount either. Autogyros do exist in todays world if you wanna check.

The schtick they're adding to mounts in WotLK is the ability to have passengers. Is the Motorcycle and sidecar the most original thing they coulda done? Nope. It's about as magical as humans riding horses.

Is it fun? Yes! I can't wait until I build mine and give a mate a lift...

Off the edge of a cliff!

Paul said...

As for quoting Wowinsider: don't. They're basically a collection of trolls looking to turn every forum drama into "news".