Monday, August 18, 2008

Beta: first thoughts.

So I spent most of Saturday Morning/Afternoon downloading and installing the 2gb WotLK Beta client and about another gig of patches. After that, I had some time running about the new content with Ulushnar as both Protection and Retribution spec. I also started a Death Knight called Graysun, who I levelled to 58 and completed the starting Zone with. My initial findings will be expanded on later, but at the moment:

*Those bastards haven't implemented the "bald Draenei" hairstyle from live, so I had to give Ulu a haircut.
*Northrend looks cool, or at least the Borean Tundra does.
*Protection with the current itemization's ok for soloing, but it's more mana-hungry than ever.
*I haven't tanked any instances yet.
*Retribution is completely OP. Even with mediocre stats (2.3k AP buffed and 23.5% melee crit), I was killing most enemies in 2-3 hits and ending fights with 2-3 enemies at above 80% health and mana.
*Blood-spec Death Knights are similarly OP. I was taking down quests I'd struggled with on Wulf/Ulu without breaking a sweat and similarly ending fights with over 80% health and mana.

I'd have more to report, but the Beta servers are up and down like a yo-yo, and even when they're up, the lag at peak times (froma bout 9 in the morning to 11 at night) makes it nigh-unplayable.

Also, I've been busy on Live as well. Ulu's mining is fast approaching 375 (having a Epic Flying Mount really helped with the last bit!) I've also led an attempt at a ZA Bear run (need to get used to the different route and group set-up), a Kara badge-farming run (for Retribution goodies), and our first successful 25-man in over 2 weeks (a clear of the first three bosses in Moutn Hyjal).

1 comment:

Ardent Defender said...

Every Paladin I see so far in Beta is either Spec Holy or Ret.

Last night I was Aoeing some Elks in Howling Fjord for a quest. Was like 2 mobs at that time. I probably dropped like 6-7 Judgements or so on the mobs. Easier to do quests in aoeing if can.

Well up speed came a Ret with a Big 2H unmounted right next to me so I stopped to watch. .......before I count to 6 the mob was already dead. I was like .... DAMMM. OP?? I won't say but for sure I spent about a min or so killing mine. RETs in Beta currently are wrecking Havoc all over. I'm happy they are having fun.

As for Protec Paladins.....since in Beta i've not seen such a spec anywhere out questing. Most are all seem spec Holy or Ret for the Bust Damage currently fir now.

I find it's only just slightly faster to kill mobs than before with more buttons to mash all the time with HotR. SoC is nice to have for Horde and a nice seal for building threat with some seal twisting weaving in SoR at times.

I find grinding with SoW is not so bad and get mana back currently especially with HotR procing SoW currently. But using say like SoR or another you can be down in mana fast still. However with new HotR I find I don't have a need to constantly Spam consecration like a wild man. I just hit HotR all the time. I maybe consecrate once, twice maybe on a group of 3 but never spamming to go OOM even in the 2 instances I've run as well with no threat meter to tell.