Friday, August 22, 2008

Nailing shut the Engineering coffin...

New Beta build which is currently downloading at home. I haven't had much of chance to Beta recently due to a combination of gathering mining materials, showing up for raids and the occasional social engagement.

They've apparently announced some of the initial Engineering stuff here, and, it's looking more and more likely that I'll be switching to Blacksmithing on Ulu. The only two interesting items are set of blue-quality tanking Goggles which will probably be replaced early in Ulu's raiding career at 80 and a trinket with +81 Stamina which I predict to have a similar shelflife.

But when to switch? That is the question:

I could switch now, use the Crystalforge Faceguard as my sole tanking helm. I'd gain about 0.5% uncrushability, some Block Value and 40-ish spelldamage, but lose 2% Avoidance and 200 hp.

I could hold on and hope that the Hexlord drops the Battleworn Tuskguard. The difference in the two is negligable, although the goggles look cooler.

Or I could hold on even longer and make the switch a week or so before Northrend hits the live servers.


Ardent Defender said...

May not hurt to wait and see mining not that hard to really level especially being at the current cap. Waiting a bit gives time to see just about all that engineering will have to make a decision.

However mining does look to be a big money maker in WotLK all things considered. The amount of WotLK crafted gear that will need Ore is huge especially in the initial expansion.

My Hunter is a double gatherer mining and skinning. He will be sure making the rounds mining nodes in off time.

Ardent Defender said...

In Beta you XP to level up was dropped 20% good news.

Paladin class in Beta broken bad news.

I just played long enough last night after the bugged patch to Lvl to 72. With the XP adjusted had 2 full bars to go to 72. Judgements were broken but HotR still worked so had a nice camp in Howling Fjord skorn or whatever it's name with the Viking giants. I just AoE packs using SoW and let HotR proc the seals for mana or heals as needed. With all the rest bonus got through those last 2 bubbles for 72 in relatively short time.

However sucks class broken at the moment till a hotfix or another patch meaning another download.

Unknown said...

I'd make the switch. The helm looks very cool, and 40 spell damage is a not-insignificant amount...I saw a big threat increase when I picked up my t6 helm from Archimonde on Wednesday.

However, since there's nothing good in blacksmithing for us NOW, there's no real need to pick it up until we have more info, so you might as well wait.