Thursday, May 01, 2008

State of the Blah

Haven't updated here for a few days. There's not really much to say. I'm about two-and-a-half weeks into Ulu not having any gear, and I'm expecting to wait the same again.

Wulf's become my main raiding toon whilst I assemble Ulu a back-up set of gear. Thankfully he's able to do competitive DPS in Mount Hyjal, Zul'Aman and Tempest Keep. I'm currently collecting Badges on him to get a Crossbow of Relentless Strikes. I've currently saved 63, so "only" another 87 to go.

Ulu's been slowly developing some OK tanking gear. I've got some friends running him through Steamvaults once a day to try and get a new Steam-Hinge Chain of Valor and/or Devilshark Cape. Those items, plus the Tier 4 Shoulders which Maulgar will hopefully drop this weekend, should leave him at a level where he can usefully off-tank in raids again.

1 comment:

Ardent Defender said...

Hope you get your stuff soon. Seem pretty slow for as long as you been waiting.