Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Further into Black Temple

Well, the AoC early access download finally finished by the time I got back from work yesterday. Didn't get a chance to play it pre-raid though because by the time it was installed and patched, it was invites time.

So instead I went to Black Temple to experience the place beyond Supremus. First up was the Shade of Akama, who was dissapointing for a T6 boss. He's like Magtheridon in that you have to kill all the channellers on him and then kill him before he kills his corporeal namesake. Added to this there are groups of adds that spawn from two doorways that need to be AoE-tanked.

Sounds complicated, right? It really isn't. We killed him first time. With only one death.

After that, it was on to Teron Gorefiend. This is a one-tank DPS race, and since I was the only tank with a decently-geared DPS alt, I switched to Wulf for the encounter. (Chaotic Divinity doesn't believe in swapping people out for fights, but it will occasionally ask people to swap alts if they're geared enough.) We made 3 attempts, and got him to 14% on the best attempt. The real wrinkle to the fight is when he turns you into a Ghost with Frost Mage-type abilities and you have to kill four other ghosts before they can get to the raid. If you have no experience with a Mage, then you'll struggle on this part, but luckily some nice folks made a simulator you can use to practice.

After three attempts, people had to leave and we couldn't get replacements, so we called it a night. I stopped off at Sunwell Isle since the population of Earthen Ring finally managed to get it's finger out of it's arse and open the epic gem vendor. After blowing Wulf and Ulu's badge stock on gems for Ulu, I proceeded to regem and swap around some of his gear. The net result is Ulu is now at nearly 17k health unbuffed with the Scarab of Displacement equipped, which gives him a semi-useful "oh crap" button.

After that, the night was young, so I fired up Age of Conan and created Aretus, my Aquillonian Dark Templar. I'll write more about him in another post (as soon as I've worked out what AoC does with Screenshots), but the game seems to be fun thusfar. Since people have asked, I've rolled him on the Aquillionia RP-PVP server to be with friends, but I'm gonna be spending the first few weeks there feeling out the game, so I may not be the most sociable during that time.

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