Friday, September 14, 2007

Routine Raiding

Well last night Ulushnar was back in Kara for another routine first-night run up to the Curator or Aran depending on how well we do. We were short on healers as well as tanks, so I specced Ulu to his 20/41/0 hybrid spec so he could heal and tank with relative success.

Attumen went fairly cleanly, but I'dve been surprised if he didn't. Moroes proved to be interesting. We technically killed him first shot, but doing so cost us most of the raid and his adds killed the last couple of us. Still one corpse run later and we got lewt, including a nice trinket for Ulu, but sadly no belt. Maiden went smoothly as well, Ulu got healing bracers from her. Opera event was Big Bad Wolf this week, which I brought Wulfsblood to in hopes of getting the gun. Sadly no gun, but another first kill. Curator also died smoothly, although the biggest challenge of the night came from the trash after him. There were a lot of magic-immune mobs and our group was heavily stacked towards magical DPS. Still, we got past them and cleared to the Shade of Aran.

It woulda been nice to one-shot him as well, but it wasn't to be. Our interrupters we're fast enough on the first attempt to keep his damage to a managable level, but we were able to take him down on the second attempt before calling it a night.

Raid's supposed to continue tomorrow, but I can't make it then, and neither can a good chunk of the group, so I don't know if it'll go ahead. If tonight's raid doesn't go ahead, I plan to try to get a group going to Heroic Black Morass, to see if Aeonus is any less stingy with his belt.

1 comment:

Odius said...

You'll have to let me know how it goes with the Heroic BM. I want to try for that belt as well but can't get a group together when I have the time.