Tuesday, September 04, 2007

I'm (not) A Survivor

Last night, I quit Surprised Survivors, the guild Wulf has been a part of for nearly two years. There is a member of the guild who spends his time on the channel either spouting inane bollocks, or whining constantly. It's not entirely his fault, he's both slightly autistic and teenaged which is not a great combination. However, over the period of our association, he has worn down all tolerance I had to him. Kicking him from the guild wasn't an option, he would only start bugging me in a day or two to be allowed back, or worse, take his crap to the general CD channels.

ultimately I decided to take the path of least resistance and leave. Not sure what I'll ultimately do guild-wise, but I'm enjoying the quiet right now.

After that mini-drama, it was off to spend a night wiping in Tempest Keep. It was CD's first look in there, and I don't think we did too poorly. It took us two hours to clear to Void Reaver, (affectionately/derisively known as "Loot Reaver" because of the ease of the encounter), but in the end we were defeated. Not by the boss itself, but rather than the last few trash packs before him. They're pretty tough without a second Warlock and our focus, somewhat degraded in the long time away from serious raiding, had atrophied. We'll hopefully be back in there tonight for another crack.

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