Well was away with friends on Saturday, and I got back one hour before our Gruul's Lair attempt on Sunday. I decided to bring Wulf to the raid since three full tanks would have been a waste and high DPS on Gruul's a good thing. The raid started at 20:00 CET...
...And by 21:15, Gruul lay dead at our feet. We had one wipe at Maulgar and one at Gruul, but both died on subsequent attempts with only a couple of player deaths. The DPS was especially high and Wulf in particular finished third in the DPS stakes behind a Rogue and a Shadow Priest. Wulf was rewarded for his efforts with his T4 leggings, which stands as one of his last few available upgrades atm.
Afterwards, he took a run to Heroic Mechanar to help a tank acquire a new sword. The sword didn't drop, but the run went smoothly.
And tonight, we try Magtheridon for the first time!
Checking In
It's been a while since I last posted. Not much change in what I'm playing
*World of Warcraft*
The new patch just dropped. It's pretty fun. I'm ...
6 days ago
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