Monday, September 03, 2007

Square Pegs and Round Holes.

I'm in somewhat of a fix recently. CD is starting to move towards 25-man content more and more (we downed High King Maulgar and Gruul in the same night last night). I'm honestly not sure if Ulu's ready for it, but I don't have much of a choice since I'm one of three tanks with consistant enough attendance.

Karazhan is currently the home of most of the decent tanking upgrades for him. Karazhan has also been the source of most of his frustrations, since with the exception of his bracers, it hasn't given him any upgrades in about two months. With my most finely-tuned setup, I still end up with the same amount of stamina as a less well-geared warriors. Given the amount of runs Ulu's been on, he should have statistically seen every piece drop twice over.

Meanwhile, even though he could use a couple more upgrades, Wulf is still ranking as one of the better DPSers in CD. Much as I love tanking, I'm honestly not sure if Ulu's up to the role in the later content. So instead I kinda navel gaze and wonder if it's more helpful to CD to bring a struggling tank or a fairly competant DPSer to raids. Last night I did both, bringing Ulu to offtank one of Maulgar's adds before switching to Wulf to bring the pain to Gruul himself.

On a similarly maudlin note, I'd like to wish Bluebottle good luck. She's just left CD to apply to the raid group her Husband recently joined. It's a shame, but ultimately understandable. Hopefully they'll find the time in their busy schedule to drag Ulu to Arenas.

1 comment:

Admin said...

I'll always have the time for you sweetheart.