Tuesday, September 11, 2007

All tanks are not created equal...

So last night we were going for our third Gruul kill. Our deeply imba Druid tank hasn't signed so it's down to me and our best-geared Warrior to tank him. I know it's gonna be hard, but not impossible. I grab a few stacks of Ironshield pots, some unstable flasks and farm enough stamina food for the night's attempts.

Then at five minutes to go time, the Druid saunters online and I'm being told I have to switch to my Hunter. ><

I appreciate the reasons for the raid-leader's lack of confidence in me and the warrior doing it. A lot of our DPS sucks and even successful attempts can go to 13-14 growths. In that scenario, then I can appreciate having the desire to have the Druid on Hatefuls, but it sucks that they won't even try.

Still we got him down after five attempts. I'm not sure what I'm gonna do though. As a tank I'm always gonna be thought of as third to the warrior and the druid. I'd be happy to take a 20/41 OH/OT spec, but the sad fact is that if either of them can't make it or decide to play their DPS toons, then I have to pick up the slack, so I have to show up to raid night prepared to MT.


Orc Shaman said...

Interesting to hear how things are turning out for you. I'm thinking of levelling up a paladin tank, and I'd rather find out these things now rather than in 50 levels time... :)

I'm not sure what it says about the relative strengths of tanks when you're competing not against a warrior but against a druid for top tanking spot. Or is your imba druid guy just very well geared?

Ardent Defender said...

I read about your post over at maintankadin earlier. I feel for ya man.

Really understandable. Hopefully you come to a good conclusion as to what you must do. Moving on is always a option.

Its never fair when you play on the field always geared up starter ready to play and here comes the other 2 players straggling on the field and replace the guy that always gear up and there every time. No never fair.

The End is sometime the beginning and the beginning can sometimes be the end also.

Hunter said...

Deleted last comment since I cant fit a long url in this comment, me is stupid :D
To Galoheart,
Check the armoury for this name Shárathaél. As you can see definitely not a 'straggler'. The druid is also very well geared too unfortunately the link to his armoury shows his dps gear, but I can say that he clocks over 19k health and well over 30% dodge chance with some stupidly high armour figure too.

Yes it was unfortunate that my friend here was asked to change his characters around for this raid. These things unfortunately happen and yes I will have to do the same with my warrior-warlock.
By the by Paladin tanks have great potential and are suited to some encounters better than other tanks. My personal view of a paladin tank on Gruul is if you are silenced you are pretty much fooked, Holy Shield can not be cast in the silence and due to how itemisation works the paladin has less avoidence and less health than the warrior/druid counterparts. In this case since I am neither a raid leader or of any authority I did not make this choice.
Now let me just end this post by saying that the MT of the evening did not die on the final attempt where Gruul copped it.
So again for Galoheart here is a flipside for you to digest :)