Wednesday, September 12, 2007


Yesterday's indignation has cooled somewhat in the face of reason. I feel some folks missed the point of my rant and that was in part due to my own, unfocussed, caffiene-less style of ranting.

I just got upset that the Raid Leader would rather bring in a tank at the last minute who hadn't signed rather than go with the two signed and prepared tanks there.

I completely appreciate why she did, the Druid has unquestionably the best stats for the encounter, but in doing so, she sent the clear message to me at least that she believes the encounter is insurmountable without him. Hence the "Not all tanks are created equal" remark.

Maybe it is, I dunno. For the next week I'm gonna try to take a step back from the raiding game. I look at our raid schedule and I just can't bring myself to sign for anything.

In slightly happier news, Ulu got his fugly new shield today!

Oh and Etynn, I wouldn't say we get less avoidance than a Warrior (although the +5% to block you guys get from talents would be nice), but we do need to stack more to get crush immune, which hurts how much stamina we can stack elsewhere. That, plus the basic fact we have 1.5k less base health than a Warrior, is what hurts.


Hunter said...

Warriors also have a talent that gives +5% parry too. Shield Wall and Last Stand are also nice toys when used correctly and all healers are alive.

Paul said...

Yeah, but Paladin's have that talent too, in the second tier of the Retribution tree.

It's why I sacrifice so much health whenever I go "Holy Tank", because I lose the points in Ret and have to sacrifice Stamina to get more avoidance for Crushing Blow immunity.