Monday, July 02, 2007

Where to go from here.

I'm feeling at a crossroads atm. Friday's Karazhan re-awakened my love of playing Wulfsblood again. I felt fairly useful with him in a way I hadn't in ages.

As it stands, the tanking shortage in CD that prompted me to roll Ulushnar has diminished. It's no longer a massive issue, and having more than one protection-specced character on a 10-man run is a detriment to the group's DPS.

Tanking has, of late been more frustrating than anything else. I'm not sure if it's a problem on my part or on that of the rest of the group, but Ulu has struggled his way through encounters which have proved no problem in the past. My last few excursions as main tank on content that was in any way challenging have been doomed to constant wipes and frustration.

I wouldn't mind playing Wulf more, except that the tanking shortage in raids doesn't seem to extend to five-mans. When it comes to those, folks always seem to want Ulu, and rarely do they need wulf. Part of me kinda regrets not taking the offer that was alluded to in an earlier post.

But only part of me.

1 comment:

Ardent Defender said...

Encouragement is always easy to give yet often never given by many, how one deals with it is often complex also.

One will always do what one feels they must. Yet hope you can feel encouraged a bit to press on despite the difficulty you face in the challenges. We have so few good paladins that excel at the frontier of progress, just hate to see one give up trying to press ahead.

Sprinkle some Holy Light and hope it makes some little sparkle of a difference to another bringer of light.

Its always tough for a fish to swim upstream, but what a mighty fish it is that fights while all the others simply float ahead down stream.

Hang in There!