Monday, July 09, 2007

Comments on "More Heroic Deeds"

Comments on Thursday's post went as follows:


For the two weeks prior to this one, I've had Ulushnar saved to the Late Shift. I even brought Wulf to the Early shift last week. Admittedly last week you may not have noticed because I was busy on Saturday and just too tired to raid on Monday. Looking at the amount of tank specs atm, we have two dedicated to the Late shift (Swentha and Ktharious) and two on the Early (Enoad and Naavaparta) with me and Cearran floating between them.

The complaints I've heard about the late shift aren't that the tanks are crap, but that the DPS/CC is limited. I'll be bringing Wulf from this week to bolster that side of it.


Yeah you don't get much stuff with +Block Value/Rating pre-70, but here's my theory on it's usefulness:

When you're tanking a powerful, hard-hitting boss like High King Maulgar or the Prince, then there's next to no reactive healing going on. The powerful healing spells take 2-3 secs to cast and a tank could honestly die in that time if he's not kept topped up. Avoidance therefore does little good. It doesn't matter if you dodge/parry or are missed, you're still going to get healed as if you'd been hit. By blocking, you remove a significant % of the incoming hit consitantly, healer mana isn't wasted and you build more threat through Holy Shield.

Also, Block Rating is the cheapest way to get crushing immunity, since it's 8 points to 1% Block as opposed to 19 points for Dodge rating or 24 for Parry. This gives you more room to stack Stamina, which we already lack as Paladins.

1 comment:

Ardent Defender said...

Thanks for the explenation.