Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Grinding and Downing.

Last night was all about teh Wulf. I started grinding the Primal Fire he needs for his Epic set. After stumbling around the various prime grinding spots I found one that was out of the way, not extensively farmed by other and with a lot of mobs. In two hours I was able to grind enough motes for four Primals. Not a bad start, I now only need another 18 to be done with that. Then it's on to the Primal Shadow!

After doing this for a while, I went off the Karazhan to help the Late Shift again. We downed the Curator on something like the fourth attempt, and then went on to do the chess event. It wasn't exactly the smoothest run, but we're definately learning the encounters at a similar pace to the early shift raiders.

1 comment:

Joyd said...

Rather than grinding the motes you actually need, it can be faster and easier to grind whatever makes you money the fastest, and then buy the appropriate motes. Good luck on your epic set!