Well it was a long time coming, but I've decided to stop procrastinating and work on Wulfsblood's Leatherworking. He's been stuck at 366/375 for a while now, so I bit the bullet, got a load of Primal Earths cheap off the AH and started grinding his skill. As it stands, he's at 375 and I'm going to try and grind another couple of points worth before tonight's raid. Ultimately, the set he gets to make at 375 isn't the best for his current spec, too much focus on AP over Agility, but the Stamina and Intellect alone should help his raiding performance.
Speaking of tonight's raid, we're going to try and make a run at Gruul's Lair. Initial sign-ups look promising, but only time will tell if we're standing over High King Maulgar's corpse tonight.
Honestly, though, I'm starting to feel the need for a break from the game. We'll see how things go and wether or not I get envigorated again.
Diablo IV: Vessel of Hatred
Diablo IV's first expansion, Vessel of Hatred, launched a couple of weeks
ago. Some thoughts:
Blizzard made the same...mistake is not quite the word I want...
2 months ago
1 comment:
I've been doing a lot of grinding recently, but I just can't get that last point in LW.
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