Monday, July 09, 2007

Post-Weekend stuff,

Another busy weekend.

Friday night saw Ulu back in Karazhan with the early shift. We took down Attumen, Moroes, the Opera event (Oz again this time), The Curator, Terestian Illhoof, The Shade of Aran, Chess Event, and then the Prince. The Prince has thusfar confounded me, but last friday we were able to kill him first attempt. Knowing he has the ability to do effectively 12k damage in a quick burst allowed me to tell the healers "keep me at above 80% health at all times". I was spam-healed to hell and back, but it worked.

After that, flush with success, we went on to down The Maiden of Virtue and call it a night. Ulu didn't get much loot of note, except for a trinket from a quest relating to killing the Prince and a new ring from hitting Exalted with The Violet Eye.

On Saturday, Ulu tanked a couple of Heroics, gathering the last few badges for his new helm. It was a hellish grind, but it's done and the avoidance on the helm means I can stack both his Stamina trinkets whilst remaining immune to crushing blows. Ulu now sits at 12.8k health and 14k armor unbuffed, which is very nice.

Flushed with the success of this as I was, I'm feeling kinda meh now. As it stands, Ulu has no real upgrades for his tanking gear outside of raids. The only upgrades to his chest and legs come from Nightbane and The Curator respectively. There's a belt upgrade from the last boss in Heroic Black Morass, but that seems to be one of the harder heroics. There's also a nice Hammer and Shield from the Arena rewards, but I'm having difficulty finding a team for that.

Anyway, on Sunday we went back to Kara, and we killed Nightbane after 3-4 attempts. After that kill, we tried Netherspite, but one of our member's connection died and we couldn't get a replacement. After the raid was called, I went to Shattered Halls Heroic with a few guildies. We wiped a lot, but we got to the end eventually.

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