Wednesday, July 11, 2007


So CD went to Gruul's Lair last night for it's first proper go at High King Maulgar. It's a fairly technically demanding fight, and it took about eight attempts over two and a half hours but we ended up killing him.

Ulu was tanking the first Add to be killed, Blindeye the Seer. He's a healer type and you have to keep him stunned/interrupted until DPS can take him down. He dies fairly easily, after which Ulu went to help tank Olm The Summoner, a Warlock with a couple of pet demons. After he was dead... well there wasn't much for Ulu to do. In his tanking gear he can't heal or DPS very effectively, so he was basically reduced to cheerleading and throwing weak heals from the sidelines when his mana allowed.

He went down and I felt... bored, empty. It wasn't exciting like the Prince fight, and I didn't honestly feel like I'd contributed much to it.

After the fight, we went on to try Gruul. Our first and only attempt got him to 76% before we wiped, but it was a disaster from Ulu's pov. Somehow the Off-Tank got the aggro and became the Main Tank. As a secondary tank (ie one not being hit very often), Ulu can't generate and maintain good aggro. As a result, our Rogues kept getting the Hateful Strikes that the OT was meant to be absorbing. It wasn't the cause of the wipe, but it certainly didn't help.

1 comment:

Peter said...

Hum. My understanding is that if we do it right and you *do* get the hateful strikes, then the damage from those should be enough to keep you in mana for aggro.

Was I the one pulling aggro? I'm having a devil of a time adjusting to using the aggro meter effectively, and Gruul is one fight where you can't just hold back, because it's also a strict DPS race.

From my PoV I was running round dodging cave-ins and trying to get the least clue where I was, while fighting with an Omen interface I'm not familiar with and a BigWigs popup that looked to be simply be bizarrely wrong.