Monday, June 25, 2007

Well it's been a while since I updated. There's been some wanky stuff going on within Chaotic Divinity which will inevitably lead to one of it's internal shifts. Riding that wave hasn't been altogether fun. Still, on with the show:

First of all, Patch 2.1.2 arrived on Wednesday and they fixed the dorky look of my main tanking helm:

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Thursday saw me run Karazhan with a group of people who comprise our "late shift", folks centred around the UK who generally look to start around 21:00 Game Time. They'd been struggling for the last few weeks, so I decided to go help them for a change.

The group was by no means perfect, and they were obviously less experienced, but we still managed to kill Attumen and Moroes on the first night.

Friday night and Saturday were spent doing various Heroics and other instances with friends. It's all something of a blur at this point, upshot is that no loot dropped that Ulu needed and he ended up with thirty of the fifty badges for the helm he's saving for.

Saturday Night was back to Karazhan. We went in and killed Big Bad Wolf (again!) and The Curator with no problems. We made about five attempts on the Shade of Aran to no avail before giving up and going to the Chess event. After the chess, we went back to give Aran one more try before calling it a night, and we killed him! Ulu got a nice set of Healing Shoulders and a decent Tanking ring from him.

Sunday afternoon, I went to help Adventure Lovers in Gruul's Lair. As the best-geared tank there, I was given the job of tanking High-King Maulgar. There were a lot of wipes, and it's a hideously complex fight to learn. I was struck again about how much Raid Tanking's like a rollercoaster ride. You hold on tight and pray to god your healers are good. I'd estimate at least 75% of the Tank's job is done before the fight: getting good gear and ensuring it's enchanted/gemmed to it's fullest potential. The rest is down to getting the mob in the right position, and generating enough hate to keep him on you. We didn't get him down in the end, but it was an exhilarating experience.

After that, I did a few 5-man runs with CDers until late. My last run was in Steamvaults where, after about two-dozen runs, I finally managed to get Ulu what is arguably the best pre-raid Tanking tanking cape in the game.

Tonight is Kara again, and I go to face the Prince!

1 comment:

Ardent Defender said...

Man, thats a lot of runs in instances and events all together, you been buys.

I like that cape, a very nice. Nice reward for all the time put in wiping in frustration i'm sure.