Monday, June 18, 2007

Gearing up.

As it stands, Ulu's raid-tanking gear is pretty much as good as he can get atm. That said, it wasn't good enough for the Prince, so I'm going to have to look harder. Looking at what's out there, I'm going to need to put pedal to the metal to upgrade my tanking gear to Prince-level.

The following slots are stuff I need to upgrade, which are obtainable from pre-raid instances:

*Ring: Andormu's Tear is fine for crushing avoidance, but it lacks stamina so it sucks. Elementium Band of the Sentry from The Arcatraz would be best, but I've had about seven or eight runs in there and it's failed to drop thusfar.
*Wrist: Three options I can think of. Bracers of the Green Fortress are arguably easiest to get if I can find someone with the pattern and grind 6 Hardened Adamantite Bars, 20 Primal Life and pay them whatever they want for the Nether and crafting. Bracers of Dignity are my next-favoured option from the last boss in Heroic Mana Tombs. Then there's Amber Bands of the Agressor from Heroic Steamvaults, not brilliant in the stamina department, but more mitigation so I can stack stamina elsewhere.
*Belt: There's Girdle of Valorous Deeds from the last boss of Heroic Black Morass or the Lion's Heart Girdle from the last boss in Heroic Ramparts, although, like the Amber Bands, they seem to be more designed for an off-tank/DPS hybrid.
*Cloak: No real option here. Need the Devilshark Cape from Steamvaults. No cloak currently available comes close to the mitigation it offers. But like the Eternium band, it never drops for me.
*Shoulders: Fanblade Pauldrons from first boss in Heroic Auchenai Crypts offer a lot of Mitigation and Stamina if gemmed right. There are also the Spaulders of Dementia from Heroic Sethekk Halls, but they too seem to be designed more for a DPS/Off-Tank Hybrid than a full tank like me.

So that's it. A lot of time gonna be spent in Heroic Auchindon grinding I think, along with Arca and SV zergs.

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