Monday, June 11, 2007

Not a Bad Weekend.

Friday night was Karazhan. We ended up clearing Attumen, Moroes, the Big Bad Wolf (again!) and up to the Curator. Sadly the Curator didn't wanna drop to our group, (which lacked some burst damage) and after three attempts, we called it a night. Ulu got some healing gloves, but no phat tanking lewt.

Saturday was spent helping folks in a lot of different instances. Helped with runs to Arcatraz, Shadow Labyrinth and Mechanar in the afternoon, and in the evening did a Heroic Mechanar run and finished up with a quick zerg of Sethekk Halls normal for a mate's lvl 67 alt.

On Sunday, I pretty much focussed on getting the last 4.5k rep I needed for Exalted with the Sha'tar. After one-and-a-half Mechanar runs and a Botanica run (which amounted to something like four hours altogether), Ulu ended up at Exalted, and got a rather pimp new shield!

After that, it was on to Karazhan, with 70% of the same group from Friday. We cleared to and killed the Maiden of Virtue in about 20 minutes. Loot was a tanking necklace (which our Druid tank got) and tanking gloves, which Ulu got.

After that, we moved on to the Curator, who fell first time this time, and from there, we moved on to clear the trash to the Shade of Aran. Aran's a chaotic fight, basically untankable. We made four attempts on him, but our best saw him at about 19% health. That's a kill for another day. Between attempts three and four, we cleared our way to the Chess event for some easy lewt. It's a fight which is hard to lose and impossible to wipe on (your remotely controlled chess pieces die, not you).

Another weekend, another massive set of upgrades to Ulu's gear. It's ridiculous how well-geared he's becoming so quickly. I really need to get him to do some heroics quickly, as none of the five-mans offer a challenge anymore.

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