Tuesday, November 28, 2006

The process of application.

Well, I've now been on three raids with Adventure Lovers as a candidate. It's been fun raiding again, and they're good people. Haven't had much feedback, good or bad, yet but the chat's always friendly.

Last night, I was with them on an attempt at Nefarian, the final boss in Blackwing Lair, who they had yet to kill. There were a few wipes, and it seemed that even the server was against us as most of the raid (myself included) sufferred the most horrific lag. We decided to make one more attempt and then call it a night, and on that attempt, everything clicked.

Ten minutes later, Nefarian fell to the Adventure Lovers for the first time. I'm honestly chuffed I could be part of it. The Nefarian fight is still one of my favourite fights in the game, and I'm glad I was able to experience it again.

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