Thursday, November 23, 2006

Plus ca change.

As of my writing this, it looks like Wulf's time as a CD member is coming to a close. With the recent collapse of our 40-man raiding, I found it harder and harder to work up any enthusiasm to log in. This was brought into sharp relief by the fact that many people I relied upon in CD had chosen to be elsewhere, or had elsewhereness thrust upon them. I decided to stop coming to ER, rather than sit on my hands in Ironforge or spend my time mindlessly grinding cash.

I spent two weeks playing Stormpaw (who's now lvl 51) and I found that to be much more rewarding. I pretty much decided to mothball Wulf until the expansion and made a post on the CD forums to that effect.

Then two hours later, our erstwhile hosts, Adventure Lovers announced they were looking for another Hunter. Having spent a month or so chatting to folks on there, I've found them similar enough in temperment and experience to Chaotic Divinity that I felt I could fit in and be useful. I figured I'd take the shot at applying to them with Wulf rather than spending the next couple of months saying "what if?".

As it turns out, I've been accepted as a candidate. I should hopefully be coming on my first trial run this Friday. Of course, I feel bad about leaving CD, which has been Wulf's home for fourteen months now. But as it stands, CD is restructuring and realigning itself, and if I had to leave, I believe a time of change and reorganisation is the best time to do it.

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